Energy – Economy – Society (EES)

The Energy – Economy – Society (EES) research programme promotes application-oriented research in the field of energy policy. To this end the EES focuses on economic, social, psychological and political issues throughout the energy sector supply chain. The objective of the research programme is to establish the scientific basis for the various political decisions which will have to be taken in the energy sector.

According to Energy Strategy 2050, the Federal Council plans to phase out nuclear energy gradually while adhering to climate objectives and maintaining the security of energy supplies in Switzerland at the current high level. Greater energy efficiency will be required as will expansion of energy production from renewable sources. Psychological and socio-economic research will lead to a better understanding of the behaviour of the players and the functioning of the market and identify the relative potential and costs of various measures. In addition, researchers will strive to acquire a global view of the reconstruction of the energy system and better comprehension of the cross connections and inter-reactions among various measures and behaviours.

Current research priorities

These themes are currently the focus of research:

  • Companies and households
  • Markets, regulation and policies
  • Modelling, system-wide assessments and the transition process

Details of the research priorities are published in the requests for quotations of the EES.


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Research Program Energy-Economy-Society (EWG) Call 2023-2024 for Research Proposals

Workshop Energy-efficient buildings: accelerating the transition, 1 February 2024, Bern

Projects lists

Specialist staff
Last modification 12.01.2021

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Head of Programme

Anne-Kathrin Faust

Print contact