CO2 Capture, Utilisation and Storage / Negative Emissions Technologies

The SFOE research programme CCUS / NET  promotes innovation of the entire  CO2 value chain, from capture and utilisation in materials or fuels, to transport to storage in the geological subsurface or in long-lived materials. Approaches that lead to negative emissions are of special interest.

As part of the SFOE’s energy research, the CCUS / NET programme primarily focuses on topics that are energy relevant. This includes CCUS and NET topics applied to the energy sector or with a broader relation to energy, i.e. topics that help decarbonise and defossilise the energy and industry sectors (e.g. carbon capture at waste incineration plants, cement plants or in the chemical industry) or reduce the energy and CO2 intensity of specific CCUS technologies or NETs.

A more detailed description of the topics that are supported can be found in the Research Concept CCUS / NET for 2023 – 2028.

The CCUS / NET research programme is the result of the collaboration between the following research programmes, which deal with different aspects of the value chain:

Industrial processes focuses on topics related to CO2capture and utilisation (contact:

Bioenergy focuses on biomass-based NET projects (contact:

Geoenergy focuses on CO2 storage in the geological subsurface (contact:

Specialist staff
Last modification 01.09.2024

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