CO2 emission regulations for new cars and light commercial vehicles

CO2-Emissionsvorschriften - Bild 1

Carbon emission regulations for new vehicles apply in Switzerland just as they do in the EU. Since 2021, under the WLTP (Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicles Test Procedure), the average level of emissions from passenger cars registered in Switzerland for the first time may not exceed 118 grams of CO2 per kilometre, while emissions from vans and light articulated lorries (collectively known as light commercial vehicles (LCVs)) registered for the first time may emit a maximum of 186 grams of CO2/km. These targets correspond to the targets of 95 grams of CO2 per kilometre for new passenger cars and 147 grams per kilometre for LCVs applied up to the end of 2020 on the basis of the NEDC testing procedure. Each importer's vehicle fleet has to meet an individual target based on these values. If the target is exceeded, the importer has to pay a penalty.

Small and large importers

The CO2 regulations apply to all importers of new passenger cars and/or LCVs. Here a distinction is made here between small and large importers. A large importer is one who registers at least 50 cars or 6 LCVs in Switzerland for the first time a year. These importers must be registered with the SFOE. Importers may join forces to form emissions pools in order to attain the minimum number of vehicles to qualify as large importers and so collectively meet the specified target level. Emissions pools have the same rights and obligations as large importers.

Private citizens who directly import a new car are classified as small importers. They have the option of clearing their vehicle via a large importer. In this way they can reduce any penalties levied or benefit from a bonus that applies to the private import of efficient vehicles.

Registering as a large importer or emissions pool

To register as a large importer or emissions pool, go to the DETEC eGovernment portal at

Vehicle attestation

Prior to vehicle registration, small importers must pay any carbon penalties imposed. To start this process, the necessary vehicle data must first be recorded in digital form with the Federal Roads Office (FEDRO). This can be done via the FEDRO KDI portal: FEDRO website.


Industry information

Brochures and reports

Specialist staff
Last modification 27.06.2024

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