Pricing information for motor vehicles

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Pricing information for motor vehicles

The SFOE, together with SECO, has produced a brochure to support the motor industry in implementing the requirements of the Energy Efficiency Ordinance. Here, the main applications are presented with real-life examples. The brochure (in German) is aimed at all suppliers of products and services in connection with motor vehicles.

CO2 emission regulations

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CO2 emission regulations for cars and light commercial vehicles

Since July 2012, the same CO2 emission regulations have been applicable for new cars in Switzerland as in the EU. Beginning in 2020, the target value for cars will be 95 grammes CO2 per kilometre. Emission regulations for vans and light tractor vehicles will also be introduced.

Environmental impact of cars

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Environmental impact of cars

What are the environmental impacts of cars today and tomorrow, and how great is the impact? Such questions and further related issues have been studied at the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI) and answers are provided on the basis of life cycle assessments. The main findings are summarised in the fact sheet Environmental impact of cars: today and tomorrow.

Roadmap 2025

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Electromobility roadmap 2025

The roadmap aims to achieve three goals by 2025: plug-in vehicles (purely electric cars and plug-in hybrids) comprising 50% of all new registrations; 20,000 public charging stations; and the qualitative target of ‘user-friendly and grid-friendly charging – at home, at the workplace and on the road'. Around 59 organisations and companies from various sectors are participating in the initiative through more than 75 projects and events.

At a glance

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CO2 emission regulations calculation of penalties

A penalty is payable if the CO2 emissions per kilometre of an imported car exceed the target given by the importer.

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Create an energy label

An energy label for a car can be created in a few easy steps using the 6-figure type approval number.

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Climate policy

Further development of the CO2 emission regulations for vehicles will take place when the CO2 Act is revised.

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Newly registered vehicles and alternative forms of propulsion

Informative graphics with evaluations of statistics about newly registered vehicles and alternative forms of propulsion.

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Save money on car purchases

Many cantons grant a reduction on annual road tax for energy efficient vehicles.

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Online consumption catalogue

The online consumption catalogue is the information platform dealing with cars and
provides an overview of the market.