Implementation of assignments as of 25 mars 2024

Every importer can agree with a large importer that the latter will take over vehicles from him (so-called assignment). Under Art. 22a of the CO2 Ordinance, assignments must be reported to the SFOE from 1 January 2024.

As of 25 March 2024 on, vehicle assignments must be notified exclusively using the digital services on the DETEC eGovernment portal. The following services are available:

  • Notification of assignment: This service can be used to notify single assignments of passenger cars and light commercial vehicles. A registered large importer can use this service to notify assignments to another large importer or to process the taking over of an assignment. In addition, assignments can be taken over from small importers, or an assignment can be notified as an intermediary between large importers. This service has no legal effect.
  • Notifications of assignment via Excel: With this service, large importers can assign their passenger cars and light commercial vehicles by means of Excel lists. The standard template must be used. It is available in the service on the DETEC eGovernment portal. The portal checks the vehicles on the Excel list and informs you whether the assignment has been completed. This service has no legal effect.
  • Analyse assignments: With this service you can conduct an analysis of your organisation's assignments. These assignments can be exported as an Excel file.

The following points must be observed in connection with assignments:

  • Assignments after the first registration in Switzerland are not possible.
  • A vehicle can only be assigned once; revocation is not possible (Art. 22a para. 3 CO2 Ordinance).
  • If a large importer takes over a vehicle from an importer pursuant to Art. 22a of the CO2 Ordinance, he must ensure that the vehicle has been imported and registered in Switzerland for its intended use and not for the sole purpose of trading CO2 credits.

Please address any queries you may have to the following email address:

Specialist staff
Last modification 25.03.2024

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