Stage 3

(Video in German only)

At the end of stage 3 of the Deep Geological Repositories Sectoral Plan, two general licences are to be granted for the construction of a deep geological repository and the associated packaging facilities.

At the beginning of 2022, Nagra completed its geological investigations in the three potential site regions of Jura Ost, Nördlich Lägern and Zürich Nordost. Following the evaluation, Nagra announced its site selection on 12 September 2022: The deep geological repository is to be constructed at Nördlich Lägern and the packaging facilities for the radioactive waste at the interim storage site in Würenlingen. Based on the geological investigations, Nagra considers Nördlich Lägern to be the most suitable site compared to the other regions. By siting the packaging facilities at Würenlingen, it will be possible to exploit synergies with existing facilities and processes and minimise land consumption. The next step will be for Nagra to work with stakeholders to develop the repository project. The impact of the repository on the environment, society and the economy will be examined in greater depth. Nagra will submit the general licence applications to the SFOE in 2024. These applications will have to be examined by the relevant authorities. The Federal Council will announce its decision in 2029. That decision will then have to be approved by Parliament. The parliamentary resolution will be subject to an optional national referendum. If a referendum should be initiated, the Swiss electorate would vote on the award of the general licences, most likely in the early 2030s. The sites for deep geological repositories will only be definitively determined if they are approved by the people.


Factsheet Stage 3

Conceptual Part of the Sectoral Plan for Deep Geological Repositories (English version only 2008, actual version 2011 in German)

Focus Tiefenlager

ID: 573

Spatial planning and Environment

Visibility analysis of surface facility infrastructure

Socio-economic and ecological impacts study (in German)

Specialist staff
Last modification 03.11.2020

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