Overview of ongoing consortia

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All ongoing SWEET consortia are listed below.

SWEET Call 1-2020: “Integration of renewables”

DeCarbCH “Decarbonisation of Cooling and Heating in Switzerland” – Host Institution: University of Geneva
The DeCarbCH project addresses the colossal challenge of decarbonizing heating and cooling in Switzerland within the next three decades and prepares the ground for negative CO2 emissions. The overall objective of the project, with the ultimate goal of net-zero emissions, is to facilitate, accelerate, and mitigate risks for the deployment of renewable energy for heating and cooling in the residential sector for different scales and levels of urbanization, as well as in the service and industrial sectors.
Website, Aramis

EDGE “Enabling Decentralized renewable GEneration in the Swiss cities, midlands, and the Alps” – Host Institution: ETH Lausanne
EDGE’s objective is to integrate very high shares of decentralized renewable energy into the Swiss energy system. To that end, EDGE develops new national-level scenarios and implementation pathways with high shares of decentralized renewable energy by 2035 and 2050, including options for nearly or fully renewable Switzerland. Especially, EDGE takes a spatial approach and identifies tailor-made solutions for the Swiss cities, midlands, and the Alps and it combines research with innovation in Pilot and Demonstration project clusters (P&Ds).
Website, Aramis

PATHFNDR “PATHways to an Efficient Future Energy System through Flexibility aND SectoR Coupling” – Host Institution: ETH Zurich
The PATHFNDR consortium explores pathways towards a sustainable energy system at international, national, and local levels. These pathways promote flexibility and sector coupling to enable the integration of renewable energy. To this end, PATHFNDR develops simulation models, demonstrators, and pilot projects that contribute to the identification of new business opportunities and innovation strategies, and the analysis of policy measures.
Website, Aramis

SURE “SUstainable and Resilient Energy for Switzerland” – Host Institution: Paul Scherrer Institute PSI
How to reconcile resilience and sustainability criteria with the main goals of the Swiss energy sector transformation? This is the guiding question of SURE – a research project which builds on the expertise of ten research partners and a stakeholder forum with major representatives from the Swiss energy sector.
Website, Aramis

SWEET Call 1-2021: “Living & Working”

LANTERN “Living lAbs iNTerfaces for the Energy TRansitioN” – Host Institution: HES-SO // Valais-Wallis
Lantern co-designs, tests, and scales up new energy-related lifestyles by removing obstacles to sustainable social practices, including in leisure, mobility, and flexible energy uses. New Living lab methodologies are put at work by the interdisciplinary team for a user-empowered, decarbonized, responsible, energy efficient and sufficient Switzerland.
Website, Aramis

SWICE “Sustainable Wellbeing for the Individual and the Collectivity in the Energy transition” – Host Institution: Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne EPFL
The SWICE project aims to identify and quantify potential energy-saving prospects and enhanced living standards in future urban settings, emphasizing the well-being of individuals and communities as a crucial component of the energy transition. The project acknowledges energy demand as a consequence of social dynamics and seeks to implement technical solutions as well as sustainable social change practices through co-designed interventions focusing on the built environment, open spaces, and mobility.
Website, Aramis

SWEET Call 1-2022: “Co-Evolution”

CoSi “Co-Evolution and Coordinated Simulation of the Swiss Energy System and Swiss Society” – Host Institution: University of Basel
CoSi focuses on the interactions between society and the energy system. For this purpose, different societal research areas (economics, social sciences and humanities) are connected with engineering-based energy modeling as well as a direct exchange with relevant stakeholders is established. Together, various scenarios are to be tested and models developed that could lead to socially desirable visions of the future. Another task of CoSi is to coordinate the simulations from different SWEET projects in order to better compare their results and findings.
Website, Aramis

SWEET Call 2-2022: “Sustainable Fuels”

reFuel.ch “Renewable Fuels and Chemicals for Switzerland” – Host Institution: Empa
The overarching goal of the reFuel.ch project is to develop robust and practical pathways for introducing sustainable fuels and platform chemicals to markets and the Swiss energy system using an inter- and transdisciplinary approach. The project aims to enhance investment security by improving policy and market readiness. In addition, it aims at strengthening novel and innovative technologies which possess significant efficiency improvement potential and fosters the exchange between researchers and the private and public sector on a national and international level.

SWEET Call 1-2023: “Critical Infrastructures”

RECIPE “Resilient Infrastructures for the Swiss Energy Transition” - Host Institution: ETH Zurich
RECIPE will identify hazards and develop vulnerability storylines for the interdependent energy and communication infrastructure of Switzerland. The consortium will assess the hot spots of this critical infrastructure based on the systemic impact on the Swiss economy, society, vital resources, and ecosystem. The consortium’s ambition is to propose resilience enhancements for the quantified risks and vulnerabilities harmonized with the energy transition goals. RECIPE leverages the complementarities of the academic and industrial partners.

Last modification 13.08.2024

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