Nuclear Waste Management Advisory Board

The Nuclear Waste Management Advisory Bard was established in 2009 by the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC). It advises DETEC on the implementation of the site selection procedure for deep geological repositories. Thanks to its independent status and its function as a national advisory board, it is able to offer views from an outside perspective. In addition, it sets out to promote dialogue among all involved players and to help identify process risks and obstacles at an early stage.

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Martin Landolt, a former member of the National Council, is head of the Nuclear Waste Management Advisory Board

The mandate of the advisory board is to ensure that the search for a suitable site for a deep geological repository for radioactive waste leads to a solution that is safe, sustainable and socially acceptable.

Its members are as follows:

  • Martin Landolt, former member of the National Council, chairman of the advisory board
  • Herbert Bühl, scientist (Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich), former cantonal councillor, former President of the Federal Commission for the Protection of Nature and Cultural Heritage
  • Anna Deplazes Zemp, molecular biologist and bioethicist at the University of Zurich
  • Klaus Fischer-Appelt, geologist, University Professor at RWTH Aachen University, Head of the Chair of Repository Safety
  • Philipp Hänggi, physicist, head of production and member of the group executive board of electricity supply company BKW AG
  • Lisa Stalder, linguist/media scientist, journalist

A seat on the advisory board is also reserved for a representative of environmental organisations, but to date none of them have exercised this option.


Annual reports of the Nuclear Waste Management Advisory Board

Specialist staff
Last modification 05.12.2022

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