
The Federal Nuclear Energy Act stipulates that the decommissioning of a nuclear power plant must be carried out within the framework of a public procedure. Accordingly, their operators are required to submit a decommissioning plan to the SFOE. As the authority responsible for the decommissioning procedure, the SFOE implements it in cooperation with the relevant specialised federal and cantonal agencies. This procedure begins with the official publication of the decommissioning plan. Anyone who is affected by the decommissioning is entitled to submit a formal objection to the SFOE, which then drafts a decommissioning order for the attention of the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC).

Stilllegung - Bild 1

BKW Energie AG shut down its Mühleberg nuclear power plant definitively on 15 September 2020. With this step the licence regime changed from operating licence to decommissioning order.


Mühleberg nuclear power plant – decommissioning order of 20 June 2018

Timetable with explanation – Mühleberg nuclear power plant decommissioning procedure

BKW Energie AG decommissioning plan for Mühleberg nuclear power plant, 18 December 2015

SFOE memo, ‘Mühleberg nuclear power plant decommissioning procedure – definitive shut down concept’, 25 September 2015 with introduction

Last modification 14.01.2021

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