Alternative drives

Alternative Antriebe - Bild 1

Road transport accounts for around a quarter of Switzerland's present-day energy consumption. In view of this, mobility needs to be made more energy efficient and more climate-friendly. Alternative drives and fuels can make a valuable contribution towards these goals, and vehicles equipped with such drives are becoming increasingly popular.

The federal government is taking measures at various levels aimed at improving the framework conditions for the use of alternative drives. New legal measures include the specification of CO2 emission regulations and the use of an energy label for cars, while voluntary measures include pilot and demonstration projects and the dissemination of information about energy-efficient vehicles. The federal government is also supporting the coordination and planning of recharging and filling station infrastructure. In addition, it is coordinating the assessment of the environmental impacts of various drive technologies in order to create a transparent dataset for comparison purposes.

In line with its function as a role model in the energy sector, the federal government is already implementing measures aimed at promoting the use of vehicles with alternative drives within the federal administration.

Last modification 03.09.2024

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