Federal Energy Research Concept 2021-2024: research in tune with the times
Bern, 27.11.2020 - The Federal Energy Research Commission CORE has published the federal government’s new research concept for 2021 to 2024.
The focus of CORE energy research from 2021 to 2024 is on holistic study of the energy system while giving special consideration to the social sciences and humanities. The purpose of energy research is to make a decisive contribution to efficient integrated energy and to an energy system based on renewable energies. “Energy, Society and Policy Measures”, “Living and Working”, “Mobility”, “Energy Systems”, and “Industrial Processes” are the priorities. CORE further recommends provision of unrestricted access to publications, improved access to data, plotting of longer time series, and simpler approval of experiments and field trials. This should facilitate the testing of new technologies, procedures and approaches (sandbox).
The energy research concept is a planning instrument for all federal government funding bodies and serves as a guide for cantonal and municipal agencies with their own energy research funding schemes.
CORE would like to thank the SFOE for its support in the development of the concept and the many researchers in the field of energy research who have contributed through their work.
Address for enquiries
Marianne Zünd, Head of Communications SFOE, 058 462 56 75, 079 763 86 11, marianne.zuend@bfe.admin.ch
Swiss Federal Office of Energy