FAQ - Energy label for cars
The energy label for cars
Preparing the energy label
Where can I obtain the energy label?
The energy label may be obtained by going to the following website and entering the vehicle’s type approval number (Typengenehmigungsnummer/numéro de réception par type/numero di approvazione del tipo), chassis number (also referred to as vehicle identification number or VIN) or registration number (Stammnummer/numero di matricula/numéro de matriculation. If you do not know any of these numbers, a provisional/manual energy label can be issued through the vehicle importers or car dealer. They have the option of contacting the SFOE to request access to an online tool that was specifically designed for this purpose.
Why is the type approval number, chassis number or vehicle registration number used to create the energy label?
The data used to create the energy label is the same as the data taken into account in the vehicle approval process. If the importer has already switched to the system whereby vehicle approval is based on a certificate of conformity (CoC; German: Konformitätsbescheinigung) then the energy label for the given vehicle can be created using the vehicle's chassis number (also referred to as vehicle identification number of VIN) or the vehicle's registration number. In all other cases, the type approval number (Typengenehmigungsnummer/numéro de réception par type/numero di approvazione del tipo) will be used instead.
Where can I find the type approval number?
New car dealers receive the type approval number (Typengenehmigungsnummer/numéro de réception par type/numero di approvazione del tipo) from the vehicle importer and can pass this information on to the buyer. The type approval number can also be found on the test report (13.20A) and in field 24 of the vehicle’s registration certificate. If a vehicle has been imported directly or was subject to special approval, an X will be indicated in field 24. Alternatively, IVI, IVIX or IVIZ will be indicated in field 24 in the case of vehicle models whose energy label must be generated using the vehicle’s chassis number (also referred to as the vehicle identification number or VIN) or registration number (Stammnummer/numero di matricula/numéro de matriculation).
Where do I find the vehicle’s chassis number and registration number?
Contact the importer or car dealer to obtain the vehicle’s chassis number (also referred to as the vehicle identification number or VIN) or the vehicle’s registration number (Stammnummer/numero di matricula/numéro de matriculation).
What should a private person do if type approval is missing or if an X is entered in field 24 of the test report?
The legal requirements for the energy label and for type approval of cars apply to the new car trade in Switzerland. When a vehicle is purchased or directly imported from abroad, the type approval number that individual cantons need in order to calculate motor vehicle tax rebates is usually always missing. In such cases please contact the responsible cantonal office.
What should new car dealers do if the type approval number, vehicle identification number or the vehicle registration number is missing?
If homologation (type approval) has not yet taken place or if the type approval number is missing for some other reason and there is no chassis number (also referred to as vehicle registration number or VIN) or vehicle registration number (Stammnummer/numero di matricula/numéro de matriculation), then a provisional/manual energy label can be issued. Vehicle importers and car dealers have the option of contacting the SFOE to request access to an online tool that was specifically designed for this purpose.
Where do the details on the energy label originate from?
The energy label is based on the homologation (type approval) details provided by the manufacturer. Nowadays, homologation mainly takes place in an EU country.
What laboratory testing standard is used as the basis for the energy label?
Since 1 January 2020, customer information about fuel consumption and CO2 emissions has been based on the values obtained from the new Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP) laboratory test. If no WTLP values are available for a given vehicle model, then the values obtained from the previous New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) lab test will be used instead.
Object and purpose
What is the purpose of the energy label?
The main purpose of the energy label is to provide transparent information to customers on which to base a decision to buy thus leading to a reduction in energy consumption of newly registered cars and of CO2 emissions by private vehicles.
What is the purpose of the energy label for new cars?
In the first place the energy label is an instrument which informs people purchasing vehicles about the vehicle’s efficiency and the climate-relevant CO2 emissions from the vehicle. It also facilitates comparison of vehicles powered by different types of fuels with respect to energy efficiency.
What information is displayed on the label?
The energy label provides information about the energy consumption of the vehicle in the customary unit (litres, cubic metres or kilowatt-hours) per 100 km for the type of energy used. It also shows the CO2 emissions in g/km in driving mode in relation to the target for all new cars sold. The efficiency category (A – G) indicates what the vehicle definitely consumes. In addition, a number of technical aspects figure on the label, such as the unladen weight, the type of propulsion, the net power and the type approval number.
For which types of vehicles is the label mandatory?
The regulation applies to all mass-produced cars with a total weight of up to 3,500 kg with a maximum of nine seats which have completed no more than 2,000 kilometres. The type approval/data sheet for these vehicles begins with the number “1”. Vehicles not subject to the energy label regulation include delivery vans, lorries, motorcycles and special-purpose vehicles.
Is the label mandatory for demo cars?
The regulation stipulating an energy label for new cars applies to all new, mass produced cars that have completed less than 2000 kilometres.
Is the label mandatory for cars offered for sale online?
Anyone offering cars for sale online that have completed less than 2,000 kilometres is subject to the regulation to display the information required by appendix 4.1 of the Ordinance on Energy Efficiency. This stipulates the consumption in l/100 km, CO2 emissions in gm/km, the energy efficiency category, and the visual layout of the label (according to the template). In the case of cars with type approval for use of mixes of fossil and biogenic fuels offered throughout the whole of Switzerland, the total CO2 emissions and the proportion of fossil energy consumed should be shown because this is relevant for the climate.
Does the State subsidise the purchase of energy efficient vehicles?
The State does not pay any direct subsidies toward the purchase of an energy efficient vehicle? The Swiss Federal Office of Energy promotes the use of energy efficient vehicles by supplying information and communicating about such within the SwissEnergy programme. However, financial benefits for efficient vehicles are granted by some cantons and municipalities as well as by the insurance and the gas industries. See the overview of these benefits on this Web page.
Is the energy label required to get road tax relief in a canton?
Some cantons use the energy label as the basis for rebates on cantonal road tax. Road tax is collected by the canton and the State has no influence on how this tax is arranged. However, as a service to car buyers who want to make a responsible choice, we provide a table of rebates and reductions offered by the cantons. The exact details of the conditions have to be obtained from the canton in question. Please make direct contact with the appropriate canton.
Which vehicles does the federal office recommend?
From the point of view of energy conservation and climate protection you should look for the vehicle with the lowest fuel consumption and CO2 emissions. To maintain its neutrality in the matter, the State cannot make any recommendations about the purchase of any specific vehicle or vehicle type. However, as part of the SwissEnergy programme, the Swiss Federal Office of Energy promotes energy efficient vehicles by providing advice to help you make a purchase decision.
Use of the energy label
Which details are required for each area of application?
Different details are required depending on the area of application. The details are shown in the table.
Cars |
Advertising |
Sales ads |
Price lists |
Online configuration tools |
Energy consumption (driving mode) |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Equivalent petrol consumption |
– |
– |
X |
X |
CO2 emissions (driving mode), incl. climate relevant proportion |
X |
X |
X |
X |
CO2 emissions from fuel and/or electricity production |
– |
– |
X |
X |
CO2 target |
– |
– |
X |
X |
Average CO2 emissions |
– |
– |
X |
X |
Energy efficiency category A–G |
X |
X |
X |
X |
Visual presentation of the energy efficiency category |
X |
X |
– |
X |
What is the purpose of the consumption catalogue?
According to EU guidelines a booklet (consumption catalogue) is made available providing information to consumers about the fuel consumption, CO2 emissions and the effect such have on the environment, and technical factors (air-conditioning, driving with headlights, tyre pressure, engine maintenance) and non-technical factors (style of driving, flow of traffic, unnecessary loads), which have an effect on the fuel consumption of new cars. In addition, the consumption catalogue contains a list of the new cars available. It is available online or as a free download in Pdf format from the Swiss Federal Office of Energy.
Where does the label have to be attached?
At the point of sale the label must be displayed in a clearly visible manner directly on the vehicle or in its immediate vicinity. The label could also be shown on a screen, in which case the energy label must be displayed on the default screen. It may not be hidden when the screen is in stand-by mode, by a screen saver or in any other way. If further information about the car is presented digitally, the screen has to change automatically to the default setting after 20 seconds. The energy label has to be directly retrievable from every setting on the screen. The energy label also has to be displayed in advertising and in online configurator tools as shown in the template.
What has to be considered when displaying the energy label in advertising?
Attention has to be paid to the following points when the label is displayed.
- The template provided by the SFOE has to be used.
- In principle, the label should be displayed in colour, however, a template is also available for a black and white advertisement.
- The label must be at least 15 mm wide and 20 mm high and occupy at least 1 percent of the total advertising area.
What is the legal basis for the energy label for cars?
According to article 44 of the Energy Act (EnG), the Federal Council can regulate how uniform and comparable details of the specific energy consumption of mass-produced cars are made available. Rules for product declaration for new cars are contained in appendix 4.1 of the Ordinance on Energy Efficiency (SR 730.02). The Ordinance on Energy Efficiency contains the detailed regulations of the Energy Act (SR 730.0).
What does appendix 4.1 of the Ordinance on Energy Efficiency regulate?
It regulates all the details to be displayed about the energy consumption and CO2 emissions from new cars as well as which vehicles have to be labelled.
- What information has to be presented
- The form and manner in which details are presented
- How consumption is measured
- How the federal office informs the public
- The graphical appearance of the label
How is implementation checked?
An inspection body working on behalf of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy carries out numerous annual random checks of the new car trade. In addition, price lists and a selection of advertising material are also evaluated systematically. If infringements of the ordinance are detected by its own control procedures, or if any are referred to it by third parties, fines of up to CHF 100'000 can be imposed by the federal office on the basis of the Energy Act.
Questions about energy consumption
How is energy consumption measured?
Energy consumption and CO2 emissions of cars have to be measured in compliance with article 97 paragraph 5 VTS. With the car on a test bench a defined stretch of road is simulated and in the course of the test CO2 emissions are determined in city traffic, on an open road, and overall, and then the fuel consumption is calculated.
How is the fuel comparison calculated?
Allocation to one of the consumption categories from A–G is done on the basis of the petrol equivalents for the primary energy. Petrol equivalents for the primary energy are used (well to wheel approach, that is from the energy source to the wheel) to compare the energy consumption of different types of drive systems.
What is a petrol equivalent for primary energy?
To calculate the efficiency category, an evaluation of cars is made based on the entire chain from the energy source to the wheel (well to wheel). To facilitate comparison of the primary energy consumption of drive systems using different energy carriers (petrol, diesel, gas, electricity) such carriers are converted to equivalents of petrol.
Questions about allocation to energy efficiency categories
How are the categories from A to G determined?
To determine the limits of each energy efficiency category from A – G, a benchmark was defined on the basis of the valid CO2 target value according to art. 17b para. 2 let. a of the Ordinance on the Reduction of CO2 Emissions (641.711). This is currently 93.6 g CO2/km. The target value is converted into primary energy petrol equivalent (PE-EQ) and defines the category boundary between categories B and C. The remaining category boundaries are defined by means of 20% deductions/additions. This 20% is calculated in each case on the basis of the PE-EQ, which corresponds to the CO2 target value of 93.6 g/km.
Are vehicles with different types of drive system categorised separately?
No. The category is determined on the basis of the petrol equivalent for the primary energy so all types of drive system can be compared with each other.
Why is my vehicle now in a different category?
As of 1.1.2023, the calculation methodology for determining the category limits was adjusted. Overall, this change in the calculation methodology led to a more ambitious classification compared to 2022. Only really efficient models that achieve or fall below the valid CO2 target values will be classified in categories A and B; the remaining models will be distributed among categories C to G. These adjustments may lead to a change in the energy efficiency category compared to previous years.
How do I know whether CO2 emissions are high or low?
The label portrays the CO2 emissions of the specific vehicle and the CO2 target as a CO2 bar. The target is 93.6 g/km.
Which factors have the most influence on fuel consumption?
An additional 100 kg in weight can increase consumption by about 0.5 l/100 km. The style of driving (economic or aggressive) and the prevailing conditions (city and suburban traffic or long distance travel) as well as use of air-conditioning, tyre pressure, loads and roof racks all have an impact on consumption.
How was the CO2 target on the label determined?
Instead of showing the average CO2 emissions for recently registered new vehicles, for the first time the energy label now shows the target for such vehicles. The target is 93.6 g/km for the models with WLTP values and 95 g/km for those with NEDC values. The values correspond to those of the CO2 emission regulations for new cars.
Alternative drive systems
Why is my electric vehicle not in category A?
The energy efficiency of your electric vehicle is measured on the basis of the vehicle’s electricity consumption. For example, the primary energy consumption of your electric vehicle is compared with the primary energy consumption of a diesel vehicle and as a result your electric vehicle could be less efficient than the diesel vehicle. Allocation to a category takes place solely on the basis of the energy consumption and is not based on any other environmental factors, such as CO2 emissions.
Why is my gas-powered or E85 vehicle not in category A?
On the label for gas and ethanol vehicles a difference is made between climate relevant and absolute CO2 emissions. This has no direct influence on the calculation of efficiency categories, but it is the energy consumption of the vehicle that is significant.
How is the energy efficiency of plug-in vehicles calculated?
The energy efficiency for plug-in vehicles or vehicles that are partly powered by electricity with batteries that can be charged through the electricity grid is calculated by adding the fuel consumption and the electricity consumption together.
Energy label for second-hand cars
Are the energy labels for second-hand cars identical to those for new cars?
The energy label for second-hand cars is similar to that for new cars. It is however clearly distinguishable by the title as an energy label for second-hand cars.
What is the legal basis for the energy label for second-hand cars?
Energy labels for second-hand cars are provided voluntarily. In contrast to the requirement for new vehicles, there is no legal regulation requiring the dealer to attach a label to second-hand cars. The dealer can decide in his own right whether to attach a label to a second-hand car or not.
Are the energy labels for second-hand cars accurate?
The energy label for second-hand cars is prepared on the basis of the most recent type approval data with the currently valid category limits. The details may differ from those in the vehicle registration certificate. If errors are found, the importer is responsible for notifying FEDRO in the usual manner about a change in the type approval details.
Link to other energy policy measures
Is there any link between CO2 emission regulations for cars (93.6 g/km) and the energy label?
The indirect aim of both is to at least reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions. There is no direct link between both measures. The energy label is a source of information assisting buyers in the purchase of energy efficient vehicles while the emission regulations place the responsibility for reducing CO2 emissions on the importers. It is possible for a vehicle in category A to emit more than 93.6 g CO2/km and thus exceed the target set in the emission regulations.