EU Partnerships

Slider EU-Partnerschaften

The Swiss Federal Office of Energy, together with other national and European funding agencies and the EU Commission, promotes international cooperation between innovative universities, companies and organisations, end users and civil society to solve the challenges in the energy sector.

With their participation, qualified Swiss universities and companies can help to shape international solutions and standards and link up with driving forces in these thematic areas. Innovative Swiss organisations thus benefit from integration in consortia that implement European solutions, as well as from the planned investments.

To this end, the funding agencies team up and jointly launch calls for transnational projects. The funded projects receive the funds directly from the participating organisations in their country.

European Partnerships

With the launch of Horizon Europe, the various types of multilateral initiatives were brought together under one umbrella: the European Partnerships. Some existing initiatives, e.g., ERA-Nets, will continue in their current form through to their completion, while others have been merged and will continue as partnerships. A number of new thematic partnerships were also launched.

The partnerships bring together a wide range of stakeholders from research, innovation and the private sector to work towards a common goal. In particular, they want to have a social impact and make the best possible use of synergies with other national and regional initiatives.

The Swiss Federal Office of Energy participates in both energy-related partnerships:

Last modification 15.08.2022

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