Energy perspectives 2050

Energy Perspectives 2050 were produced while devising the first package of measures for Energy Strategy 2050. This involved updating Energy Perspectives 2035 and extending it to cover the period to 2050. A summary of the results have been published online along with the comprehensive reports on electricity supply and demand and the economic impact in 2012 and 2013 (see below).

At the start of 2011, Energy Perspectives 2035 was updated for the first time to provide a basis that would allow the Federal Council, following the reactor accident at Fukushima, to review and revise its basic position on energy policy (Federal Council Media Release on 25.05.2011). The resulting reports are available online under "Grundlagen für die Energiestrategie des Bundesrates; Frühjahr 2011" (see below).



Energy demand and electricity supply

Economic impact

Update of Energy Perspectives 2035 – Summary

Progress reports: Swiss Energy Scenarios up to 2050


Last modification 04.03.2020

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