Standby and external power supplies

Elektronische Geräte - Bild 1

In the same way as for household appliances, the general requirements concerning standby and off modes apply to electronic equipment, as well as to external power supply units. The maximum permissible consumption levels for standby and off modes are 1 and 0.5 watts respectively.

The standby electricity consumption of devices such as routers, modems, complex set-top boxes, etc., that have to be connected to the Internet may not exceed 3 watts (network devices) or 8 watts (devices with high network availability).

There is currently no energy label for office equipment, though the international ENERGY STAR designates the most efficient appliances. The electricity consumption of an appliance bearing the ENERGY STAR label is lower than that of a product without that label while the functionality is the same.

Specialist staff
Last modification 10.12.2020

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