Surface infrastructure

Deep geological repositories also need a variety of surface facilities. These are collectively referred to as surface infrastructure. The most important components of this infrastructure are the facilities for providing access to the portal of the repository tunnel, plus surface installations and auxiliary access facilities for construction and ventilation. The development of these installations (e.g. a transfer station) and temporarily required land for the construction of the facility (e.g. installation space, disposal site for excavated material) is also included in the surface infrastructure.

In stage 2, Nagra worked together with the involved regional conferences to determine the location and design of each site zone for the surface infrastructure. The necessary surface area varies according to the region and proposal, and ranges from 14 to 24 hectares (see tables below). The site zones for the surface infrastructure were specified in the Federal Council’s decision regarding stage 2. It will be possible to optimise these sites in the course of stage 3, when the locations for the auxiliary access facilities will also be discussed and specified.

Area required for surface infrastructure

(Scenario incorporating facility for packaging fuel elements; all figures rounded up/down)

Required area for surface infrastructure
6 – 8 3 – 5 1 – 2 12 – 14
Additional area required during construction phase
2 – 5
2 – 5 0 – 2 5 – 11
Temporarily required area during construction phase
17 – 24
Highest building (metres) 25 30 15  

Area required for surface infrastructure

(Scenario without facility for packaging fuel elements; all figures rounded up/down)

Required surface area after completion
4 – 6
3 – 7 1 10 – 12
Additional area required during construction phase
2 – 5
3 – 6
0 – 1
5 – 11
Maximum surface area required during construction phase
14 – 21
Highest building (metres) 15 30 15  


Joint statement by the external packaging facility working group

Detailed positions of the delegations




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Specialist staff
Last modification 03.11.2020

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