The Energy Perspectives 2050+ (EP 2050+) analyse in a net-zero emissions scenario (ZERO) how to develop an energy system that is compatible with the long-term climate goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and, at the same time, ensures a secure energy supply. Several variants of this scenario are considered. They differ in their combination of technologies and the speed of the renewable energy transition in the electricity sector.
Objectives for a climate-neutral Switzerland by 2050
In the wake of the 1973 oil crisis, it became clear that Switzerland needed a national energy policy. The groundwork was laid in the overall energy concept. For the first time, this also included 'energy perspectives', which looked towards the future of energy. Since then, energy perspectives have been produced and updated periodically. The last version, from 2012 (Energy Perspectives 2050), formed the basis for revising Switzerland's energy policy following the Fukushima reactor accident. This resulted in the Energy Strategy 2050 and the new Energy Act which came into force on 1 January 2018. The Energy Perspectives 2050+ uses the latest framework data and technology developments and sets the goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.
Preliminary results were published in November 2020 in a concise report and as an executive summary. In the course of 2021 the detailed scenario results were published in tabular form, together with various commentaries and, in December 2021, the comprehensive documentation as a technical report. Interactive graphics on the final energy consumption by sector, electricity production and greenhouse gas emissions as well as a Bar Chart Race of the energy carriers are also available.
Links to the online graphics:
- Final energy consumption by sector (in German)
- Electricity production (in German)
- Greenhouse gas emissions (in German)
- Bar Chart Race, energy sources
The Energy Perspectives 2050+ were developed on behalf of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) by a consortium comprising Prognos AG, TEP Energy GmbH, Infras AG and Ecoplan AG. As at November 2020, the work is still under way. The inclusion of an external support group ensures broad-based support. This is made up of representatives from various federal offices, cantons and cities, the energy industry, business and environmental associations, trade unions and consumer protection associations. There is also an exchange with representatives of the scientific community.
Executive summary
- Energieperspektiven 2050+. Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Ergebnisse
(PDF, 913 KB, 26.11.2020) ID: 10320 | 649
- Energieperspektiven 2050+. Volkswirtschaftliche Auswirkungen – Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Ergebnisse
(PDF, 330 KB, 20.10.2022) ID: 11134 | 760
Concise report
- Energieperspektiven 2050+. Kurzbericht
(PDF, 1.4 MB, 12.04.2022) ID: 10323 | 651
- Energieperspektiven 2050+. Tabellen und Grafiken des Kurzberichts
(XLSX, 871 KB, 12.04.2022) ID: 10324 | 651
Technical report
- Energieperspektiven 2050+. Technischer Bericht
(PDF, 19.3 MB, 12.04.2022) ID: 10783 | 719
- Energieperspektiven 2050+. Daten zu den Grafiken des technischen Berichts
(ZIP, 6.5 MB, 11.04.2022) ID: 10904 | 719
- Energieperspektiven 2050+. Volkswirtschaftliche Auswirkungen: Technischer Bericht
(PDF, 4.5 MB, 20.10.2022) ID: 11132 | 759
- Energieperspektiven 2050+. Sekundäreffekte: Herleitung spezifischer Kostensätze: Technischer Bericht
(PDF, 1.7 MB, 20.10.2022) ID: 11133 | 759
Scenario results
- EP2050+ Szenarienergebnisse ZERO Basis
(ZIP, 1.7 MB, 12.04.2022) ID: 10434 | 672
- EP2050+ Szenarienergebnisse ZERO A
(ZIP, 2.1 MB, 12.04.2022) ID: 10435 | 672
- EP2050+ Szenarienergebnisse ZERO B
(ZIP, 1.7 MB, 12.04.2022) ID: 10438 | 672
- EP2050+ Szenarienergebnisse ZERO C
(ZIP, 1.8 MB, 12.04.2022) ID: 10439 | 672
- EP2050+ Szenarienergebnisse WWB
(ZIP, 1.6 MB, 12.04.2022) ID: 10440 | 672
- EP2050+ Szenarienergenbisse Details Nachfragesektoren
(ZIP, 2.4 MB, 27.04.2022) ID: 10441 | 762
- EP2050+ Szenarienergenbisse Sensitivitäten
(ZIP, 2.7 MB, 12.04.2022) ID: 10882 | 762
- EP2050+ Stündliche Werte Stromerzeugung und -verbrauch
(ZIP, 23.5 MB, 01.10.2022) ID: 11142 | 761
- EP2050+ Glossar
(PDF, 286 KB, 30.03.2021) ID: 10432 | 761
- EP2050+ Szenarienvergleich Storylines
(XLSX, 104 KB, 30.03.2021) ID: 10433 | 761
- EP2050+ Exkurs Wasserstoff: Hintergrund zum Einsatz in den Szenarien der Energieperspektiven 2050+
(PDF, 1.4 MB, 27.10.2022) ID: 11143 | 673
- EP2050+ Exkurs Negativemissionstechnologien und CCS. Potenziale, Kosten und Einsatz
(PDF, 1.7 MB, 19.11.2021) ID: 10620 | 673
- EP2050+ Exkurs Winterstrom. Stromversorgung der Schweiz im Winterhalbjahr
(PDF, 3.8 MB, 13.10.2021) ID: 10641 | 673
- EP2050+ Exkurs Biomasse. Potenziale und Einsatz in den Szenarien
(PDF, 1.5 MB, 12.10.2021) ID: 10640 | 673
- EP2050+ Exkurs Thermische Stromerzeugung und Wärme-Kraft-Kopplung
(PDF, 2.1 MB, 07.09.2021) ID: 10621 | 673
- EP2050+ Exkurs Rahmendaten
(PDF, 1.1 MB, 30.03.2021) ID: 10442 | 673
- EP2050+ Exkurs Klimaziel Netto-Null 2050
(PDF, 476 KB, 30.03.2021) ID: 10443 | 673
Positions of the support group
- Energieperspektiven 2050+. Stellungnahmen der Begleitgruppenmitglieder
(PDF, 1.1 MB, 20.12.2021) ID: 10784 | 720
Further studies
- Arbeitsplatzpotenzial durch Förderung erneuerbarer Energien und Energieeffizienz. Bericht des Bundesrates in Erfüllung des Postulates 19.3562 Nadine Masshardt vom 6. Juni 2019
(PDF, 251 KB, 01.02.2023) ID: 11266 | 779
- Arbeitsplatzeffekte durch Förderung erneuerbarer Energien und der Energieeffizienz. Schlussbericht
(PDF, 2 MB, 30.09.2020) ID: 11265 | 779
Interactive online graphics for Energy Perspectives 2050+
Previous Energy Perspectives
Last modification 19.01.2023