
Evaluationen - Bild 1

What are the impacts of the SwissEnergy programme on the economy, energy consumption and the environment? Do subsidies for solar installations yield the desired result? To formulate a somewhat more general question, do the various programmes and laws help us achieve our declared objectives, and are energy-policy measures being implemented correctly? With the aid of evaluations the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) is endeavouring to find answers to questions of this sort. The SFOE started carrying out evaluations in the 1990s. Evaluation means a proper and professional examination and appraisal.

The legal basis for evaluation is Article 55 of the Federal Energy Act, which obliges the Federal Council to periodically examine implemented measures, publish the results of its studies and report to Parliament. For this purpose the evaluations carried out by the SFOE are coordinated with the process of monitoring Energy Strategy 2050. Furthermore, the evaluations are based on Article 170 (verification of effectiveness) of the Swiss Federal Constitution.

Evaluations should draw attention to weak points and include recommendations concerning ways in which selected energy policy measures can be improved. This means that evaluations function as both a control mechanism and a learning tool. At the same time, they are intended to provide an assessment of the impacts of energy policy measures and thus create the required degree of transparency for the general public, Parliament and the Federal Council.


Conditions governing calls for tenders

List of the evaluation reports

Evaluations 2024

Evaluations 2023

Evaluations 2022

Evaluations 2021

Evaluations 2020

Evaluations 2019

Evaluations 2018

Evaluations 2017

Evaluations 2016

Evaluations 2015

Evaluations 2014

Evaluations 2013

Evaluations 2012

Evaluations 2010

Evaluations 2009

Evaluations 2008

Evaluations 2007

ID: 65

Evaluations 2006

Evaluations 2005

Evaluations 2004

Evaluations 2003

Evaluations 2002

Last modification 08.09.2020

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