Solar Heat and Heat Storage

In households on average more than 75% of all energy used is consumed in the form of heat. Industry also has a high demand for heat, whether for space heating, water heating, or for processes. The SFOE Solar Heat and Heat Storage research programme aims to promote development of advanced solutions for efficient technological and economic use of solar heat. This includes the provision of energy through to components for solar thermal energy and to storage of heat, which is most important to the development and integration of systems in renewable supply systems.

The Solar Heat and Heat Storage research programme focusses on heating and cooling of buildings.

Current research priorities

Solar thermal collectors

  • New concepts to reduce costs, multifunctional facade elements, prevention of stagnation, coloured collectors for integration in buildings.

Heat storage

  • Improving the efficiency of water-based thermal storage systems (losses, stratification, costs, etc.), optimised heat exchangers for ice-based storage, demonstration of high-density thermal storage systems.


  • Cost-optimised combinations of PV/T collectors and heat pumps, solar thermal energy and anergy networks with short-term and long term heat storage, demonstration of potential for predictive control, and for real-time monitoring.

Planning tools

  • Simulation of system combinations with automatic optimisation, methods for assessing acceptance for solar facilities.


Renewable energy statistics Switzerland

ID: 29

Specialist staff
Last modification 02.09.2021

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Head of Programme

Stephan A. Mathez

Print contact