SWEET: Co-Evolution

SWEET Ko-Evolution - Bild 1

The call for proposals on the topic of “Co-Evolution of the Swiss Energy System and Swiss Society and Its Representation in Coordinated Simulations” had two objectives. Firstly, to investigate the interaction between the energy system and society and to apply the findings, e.g., in simulations. Secondly, to coordinate the simulations of the energy system that are being carried out by a variety of groups so that the simulations can be compared in a meaningful manner. By taking into account the findings from social sciences and humanities and coordinating the simulations, the power of the conclusions derived from the simulations is to be increased.

The coordination of the simulations builds on the activity CROSS (CooRdination Of Scenarios for SWEET), which puts the simulations of the first four SWEET consortia on a common basis. To focus the transdisciplinary cooperation on concrete topics, the consortium will submit so-called focus reports every two years.


After a two-stage evaluation by a panel of independent expert, the following consortium was selected:

  • CoSi – Co-Evolution and Coordinated Simulation of the Swiss Energy System and Swiss Society (Host Institution: University of Basel)

Last modification 24.01.2023

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