SWEET: Integration of renewables

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The guiding theme of SWEET Call 1-2020 is “Integration of renewables into a sustainable and resilient Swiss energy system”. This theme has been broken down into the following research challenges:

  • Improve renewable energy system efficiency through flexibility and sector coupling
  • Integration of decentralised supply of renewable energy into the Swiss energy system
  • Enabling renewables for heating and cooling
  • Sustainability at the heart of a resilient Swiss energy system
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Renewables must be integrated into the Swiss energy system in order to ensure that demand is met; storage is available where and when needed; energy conversion is efficient, climate-neutral and net-negative. Furthermore, they must be integrated in such a way as to be of optimum value to the Swiss economy and society and also form part of the overall European energy system.

The SWEET Call 1-2020 ran from 25 June to 12 October 2020. The 13 applications submitted were assessed by external experts and for each research challenge the top ranked consortium was selected:

  • PATHFNDR - PATHways to an Efficient Future Energy System through Flexibility aND SectoR Coupling (Host Institution: ETH Zurich)
  • EDGE - Enabling Decentralized renewable GEneration in the Swiss cities, midlands, and the Alps (Host Institution: EPF Lausanne)
  • DeCarbCH - Decarbonisation of Cooling and Heating in Switzerland (Host Institution: University of Geneva)
  • SURE - SUstainable and Resilient Energy for Switzerland (Host Institution: Paul Scherrer Institute PSI)


CROSS (CooRdination Of Scenarios for SWEET) is a joint activity of the four consortia DeCarbCH, EDGE, PATHFNDR and SURE, supported by the SWEET programme and coordinated by ETH Zurich. The objective of CROSS is to ensure that simulations from the four consortia are compared in a meaningful manner and that credible conclusions are drawn. The main tasks of CROSS are to harmonise assumptions and scenarios, to document them together with the results and to make them publicly available. CROSS will complete its activities by the end of 2022. It is foreseen that the activities will be continued by the consortium that will be selected in the SWEET Call 1-2022.

Under “Documents” you will find an overview of the planned activities of the consortia. Under “Links”, introduction videos of the consortia will be linked.

Last modification 01.11.2022

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