Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership)

Symbolbild CETP

The Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETPartnership) is a transnational initiative on joint Research, Technological Development and Innovation (RTDI) programming to boost and accelerate the energy transition, building upon regional and national RTDI funding programmes.

The CETPartnership aims to contribute to the EU’s goal of becoming the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, by pooling national and regional RDTI funding for a broad variety of technologies and system solutions required to make the transition. In that sense, the CETPartnership establishes seven Transition Initiatives (TRIs) in order to work together on

  • organising target group oriented stakeholder management and communication in the field;
  • developing thematic modules for the annual joint calls;
  • implementing accompanying activities on knowledge management and maximising impact.

Due to the particular relevance of transnational cooperation, the SFOE is actively participating in the following two TRIs:

  • TRI 3: Enabling Climate Neutrality with Storage Technologies, Renewable Fuels and CCU/CCS
  • TRI 4: Efficient zero emission Heating and Cooling Solutions

Participating Swiss organizations

Switzerland being an Associated Country to CETPartnership, the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE) and the Swiss Science National Foundation (SNSF) joined the CETP. Swiss based applicants can join research consortia on equal terms with applicants from EU Member States, and other Associated Partners.

Call 2024

The SFOE will participate in the 2024 CETPartnership call and provide financial support to projects applying to the “Carbon capture, utilisation, and storage (CCUS)” and “Geothermal Energy Technologies” modules. If you're interested to know more about the call and the CETPartnership, we encourage you to attend following events:

The call will be launched on September 12, and the main focus of SFOE will be on the 2 call modules CM2024-04 and CM2024-07.

SFOE will fund successful applications with approximately 4 Mio € from its Pilot and Demonstration (P+D) program and, 500’000 € through the Geoenergy R+D program, and the terms and conditions of the P+D and the R+D program apply.

Please refer to both the call documents on the CETPartnership website and SFOE specific guidelines and requirements under “Documents” for full details regarding eligibility and application process.


  • 12 September 2024, 10:00 CEST: Webinar CETPartnership Joint Call 2024 Launch Event
  • 19 September 2024: Stage 1 Opening: Pre-proposal submission to CETPartnership
  • 15 October 2024: For Swiss applicants – Deadline: Formal declaration of interest and project outline. Not mandatory, but strongly recommended.
  • 21 November 2024, 14:00 CET: Stage 1 Closing: Deadline for Pre-proposal submission to CETPartnership
  • 29 January 2025: Stage 2 Opening: Full Proposal submission to CETPartnership
  • 15 February 2025: For Swiss applicants – Deadline: Submission of the SFOE-specific full proposal and financial sheet. Mandatory
  • 31 March 2025, 14:00 CEST: Stage 2 Closing: Deadline for Full proposal submission to CETPartnership
  • Beginning July 2025: Funding decision communicated
  • 1 September – 15 December 2025: Project start

Last modification 18.06.2024

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Representation TRI 3 and 4

Florence Bégué

Stefano Benato

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