
Selection of projects, players and organisations for the Watt d'Or award

The Swiss Federal Office of Energy appoints a team of nominators for each category. They accept proposals and are also responsible for searching for projects that appear suitable. Each nominator is an expert in his or her own area, and undertakes an obligation to observe neutrality.

Nominators select the best projects from all those resulting from their own research or proposals by third parties. They then submit their selection, together with their written comments, to the jury for evaluation.

Members of the jury

The proposals examined by the team of nominators are submitted to a jury for evaluation. The jury then chooses the best proposals. The members of the jury are qualified and well-known figures from a variety of areas, including research, cantonal authorities, the economy, architecture, trade and industry associations, environmental associations.

Members of the jury for Watt d'Or 2024 (in alphabetical order):

  • Daniela Decurtins, Swiss Gas Industry Association
  • Jürg Grossen, National Councillor
  • Greta Gysin, National Councillor
  • Thomas Häusler, Project manager climate and energy WWF
  • Benoît Revaz, Director of the Swiss Federal Office of Energy
  • Urs Rieder, SIA Co-president ad interim
  • Thomas Justus Schmidt, Paul Scherrer Institute
  • Susanne Vincenz-Stauffacher, National Councillor, president of the Watt d’Or jury
  • Monika Walser, CEO de Sede AG
  • Jürg Wittwer, Chief Executive Officer TCS

Last modification 28.06.2023

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